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Peace & Justice

성적 노예의 비밀 과거

전쟁에는 인간의 얼굴이 있다. 모든 그림자, 모든 줄, 모든 주름은 이야기의 일부이다.

Sexual slavery’s secret past

War has a human face. Every shadow, every line, every wrinkle is part of the story. In a recent visit to South Korea, a PC(USA) peace delegation witnessed firsthand the human face of war. The delegation visited the War & Women’s Human Rights Museum. There they watched video interviews with “comfort women” — women kidnapped or lured by the promise of jobs and forced into sexual slavery in what were known as “comfort stations” for Japanese soldiers during World War II. The women in the video spoke no English. There were English subtitles to help translate. The subtitles, though, weren’t necessary. The women’s faces said it all.

Presbytery of East Virginia to discuss racial justice at upcoming meeting

The Presbytery of East Virginia hopes to generate conversation around the issue of racism at its upcoming meeting this month. The Racial Dialogue Team of the presbytery’s Peacemaking Committee is inviting local churches and interested parties to the presbytery meeting on Saturday, January 27, at Providence Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach.

Call to action for the Democratic Republic of Congo

The humanitarian conditions in the conflict-ridden Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are rapidly deteriorating. There is a now a deepening hunger crisis and an estimated 3.2 million people are without reliable access to enough nutritious food.

Comfort women: The human face of war in Korea

War has a human face. Every shadow, every line, every wrinkle is part of the story. A PC(USA) peace delegation visited the War & Women’s Human Rights Museum during their recent visit to South Korea.

Presbyterian Peace Delegation visits No Gun Ri massacre site

War lives on in the pain of its survivors and their families long after the violence ends. Members of a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) peace delegation saw the pain in the eyes of more than a dozen South Koreans who were forever changed by the impact of the massacre at No Gun Ri.