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Matthew 25

Drawing nearer to justice

While Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) churches and mid councils do the work suggested in Matthew 25, they might consider taking a cue from Isaiah 58 as well.

하나님의 영역을 건축할 때

루이빌 — 월요일은 장로교 회중과 중간공의회가 주변 세상에서 적극적으로 참여하도록 권유하는 운동인 마태복음 25장 초대장의 공식 킥오프로, 초대장이 현재 활성화 되어있는 웹사이트는 다음을 말한다, “우리의 신앙이 살아나고 우리는 새로운 가능성에 깨어납니다.”

How caring is your congregation?

I recently read a sermon by a friend from seminary detailing a harrowing time when insomnia led to migraines, which led to hallucinations, which led to a diagnosis of mental illness. My friend drew on Jesus’ healing of the demoniac in Mark’s Gospel, and explained that Jesus, today, used medical professionals, effective drugs and sabbath rest to return her to health.

Strengthening an already solid relationship

Two congregations that worship in the same Louisville, Ky., church are comfortable enough with one another that host church members didn’t even bat an eye recently when the smaller congregation told the larger one that the church has termites.

It’s all in the timing

The right idea in the right place at the right time has led the Presbytery of Arkansas to say yes to the Matthew 25 invitation, one of the most recent mid councils to do so.

World Mission to hold final regional strategy planning session

What does it mean to be a Matthew 25 church today? That’s the key question participants in a series of international consultations and U.S. regional gatherings have been addressing through roundtable discussion across the country and around the world.

‘Yo hablo el amor’

Immigrants seeking a home in a new land and Arizona residents needing home repairs are both learning the language of love through the work of a couple serving as Young Adult Volunteers at the Tucson Borderlands YAV site on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Peas and joy at Okra Abbey

As the team tore down the last of the vines covering the garden gates, Young Adult Volunteer Regi Jones realized they had just helped to unwrap the gift of Okra Abbey for the Pigeon Town neighborhood in New Orleans.

A small church with a big passion to actively engage in the community

Some Sundays, five or 10 people show up for worship at Yaphank Presbyterian Church on Long Island, N.Y. The church, established in 1851, has 41 members on its rolls. The average Sunday attendance is about 15.Yet the session of the historic church, whose sanctuary was destroyed by a December 2013 fire, has embraced the invitation to become a Matthew 25 church. Its chosen focus is eradicating systemic poverty.