Search Results for: congregations

Young pilgrims journey to Malawi

When Pittsburgh Presbytery’s International Partnership Ministry Team began thinking about a way to create space for young Malawians and young Pittsburghers to meet together for mutual enrichment, encouragement and growth, the idea for a youth pilgrimage to Malawi was born.

Serving those who have nowhere else to go

According to the Rev. Billy Song of St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church in Lomita, California, Los Angeles County has about 60,000 people experiencing homelessness. About two-thirds are living on the streets or in tents.

Colliding with Jesus

Willow Weston, the founder and director of a 1001 new worshiping community in Bellingham, Washington, remembers the day Collide began. Someone who had wounded her when she was a young girl was knocking on her door. Immediately, she ran upstairs with her baby — and hid in the closet.

Joining Hands: Twenty years of perseverance

From advocating for the people La Oroya in Peru to fighting for farmers’ rights in Haiti, Joining Hands has been an international force for change for the last two decades.

It takes a village

Last week I mentioned that Steve Wiebe, executive pastor of Pasadena Presbyterian Church (PPC) and I were on our way to Adelanto Detention Center to be at a court hearing for our Cameroonian friend Bertrand. We met Bertrand in November 2019, during a group visit coordinated by our Immigrant Accompaniment Organizer, Kristi van Nostran.

‘Church attendance is an individual choice’

The Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is urging congregations to make decisions about worshiping in person based on what’s best for their community and the people gathered for worship.

Celebrating Retirement

A Letter from Choon and Yen Hee Lim, with Choon serving as regional liaison for East Asia, based in South Korea | March 2020