Search Results for: congregations

‘A blessing and a great gift to my spirit’

Editor’s note: Recently, the Presbyterian Association of Musicians connected with 2021 Worship & Music Conference Adult Choral Director G. Phillip Shoultz, III for an exclusive interview. PAM discussed his reflections on the June conference, the impact of singing spirituals, our shared heritage in Christ and the future of music in worship.

Speakers bring ‘code red’ and hope to Earth Care conference

From Tampa, Florida to Spokane, Washington, the primary speakers at Sunday night’s opening worship for the third and final session of the 2021 Presbyterians for Earth Care Conference could  easily find reasons to lament the state of Creation.

Put on the whole armor of God

Of late, the hosts of Between Two Pulpits, Special Offerings’ Bryce Wiebe and Lauren Rogers, have asked their guest to discuss what the coming Sunday’s sermon might look like if they were taking to the pulpit.

‘Our work continues no matter what’

In opening remarks of the virtual 46th Biennial Convention of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus, the organization’s president, the Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Priest, Jr. said, “In the preface of the Revised Edition of ‘Black and Presbyterian: The Heritage and the Hope’ by Gayraud S. Wilmore, former president of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus, Jesse C. Swanigan, wrote, ‘Black Presbyterians, North and South, are still asking the questions about cultural differences, identity, and ethnic-specific mission that they asked before the reunion — asking these questions with even more urgency in a church and nation where racism seems unabated. Is it possible or more difficult than in 1980 to experience what Black Presbyterians United (BPU) President Claude C. Kilgore called ‘unity within diversity?’”

There Is Always Light

A Letter from Cheryl Barnes, serving in Malawi | Summer 2021

Sharing an abundance of Presbyterian musical gifts

When William McConnell began recruiting artists for a new musical ensemble he affectionately dubbed the Mission Musicians, he took the familiar words of 1 Corinthians 12 to heart.

Faith groups call for humanitarian action in Cuba

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is one of 24 churches and faith-based organizations to have signed on to a letter calling on the administration of President Joe Biden to lift the sanctions on Cuba, saying they prevent humanitarian aid from reaching people on the island.