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Presbyterian Peacemaking Program

    Celebrating 40 years of the Commitment to Peacemaking 2023 marked the 40th Anniversary of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)’s Commitment to Peacemaking, the church-wide effort that has helped shaped… Read more »

Mission Service Recruitment

  Celebrate! The Good News of Jesus Christ is to be shared with the whole world! See a list of current mission service opportunities Is God calling you to mission service?… Read more »

Joining Hands

  The Joining Hands Initiative is an innovative way to mobilize people in focused campaigns to tackle systemic causes of hunger both in the United States and abroad as a… Read more »

Interfaith Relations

  Building strong interfaith relationships is a core commitment for Presbyterians. Jesus crossed all kinds of religious and cultural boundaries to build relationships of trust and love. We strive to… Read more »

Human Trafficking

  Human Trafficking = Modern-Day Slavery An estimated 800,000 people, of which approximately 80 percent are women and up to 50 percent are minors, are trafficked across national borders. This… Read more »

Financial Aid for Service

  Webinars With PeopleJoy Student Loan 101 For church workers, staff serving PCUSA related institutions, and students in preparation for ministry. Learn about managing educational debt and maintaining your student… Read more »

Fair Trade

  “Enslaving poverty in a world of abundance is an intolerable violation of God’s good creation.” —Book of Confessions, 9.46 A form of hunger ministry The Presbyterian Hunger Program works… Read more »

Educate a Child, Transform the World

  Loving Our Neighbors: How You Can Protect Public Education and Speak Up for Our Children Join the Educate a Child roundtable for a timely and important discussion on public… Read more »

Camps and Conferences

  Mission Our mission is to support Presbyterian Centers as well as governing body partners with skilled support to serve as a neutral party to help camp and conference ministry… Read more »