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Evangelism Sunday Resources

Evangelism is the work of the entire congregation and the church universal. Evangelism is not about drawing people to church. Though it is wonderful to invite people to church and even better to have them join in the ongoing work of the church, the ultimate goal is that of building relationships that draw people closer to God and God’s intention for Creation.

We hope you will use these resources to help you and others think about how to share the Good News with all those around you. The links here will take you to a host of ideas for use with all ages and in a wide range of contexts from personal devotion to community engagement to small groups or Sunday morning worship. Some of these resources directly address evangelism through the Matthew 25 vision focusing on racism, poverty, and congregational vitality, and some resources are centered around other gospel texts.


Worship and Liturgy


Devotional Material


Community Connection


Beyond the Worship Hour