Posts Tagged: congregation-based community organizing

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

By Jennifer Evans, Associate for Communications and National Partnerships   On a sunny day in Louisville, a large crowd of local housing advocates, citizens — both housed and unhoused — and local officials came together to demand Housing Not Handcuffs. At this rally, some of the most vulnerable in our community shared gut-wrenching stories of… Read more »

Does your congregation have a Justice Ministry?

Consider becoming a congregation-based community organizing group Congregation-based Community Organizing (CBCO) is a grassroots organizing approach for rebuilding communities, revitalizing congregations, and developing individuals into effective leaders and change agents. There are hundreds of CBCOs across the country, and gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering allow PHP to fund these groups during… Read more »

Discerning what Justice has to do with Ministry

DART related local action by HOPE. Photo provided by Rvda. Neddy Astudillo Mazuera By Rvda. Neddy Astudillo Mazuera, advisory committee member for the Presbyterian Hunger Program Liberation Theology is my foundation by inheritance. My parents, a Colombian mother, and a Venezuelan father in the 70s, eager to study Theology and become pastors, moved our family to Argentina at a time of growing political instability, and repression of those… Read more »

We Keep Us Safe: People Power

Jennifer Evans, Associate for Communications and National Partnerships At a recent rally calling for the ceasefire in Israel-Palestine, one of the rallying calls was, “We keep us safe.” This call reminded me of the power of community and how power either comes from a lot of organized money or a lot of organized people. The… Read more »

Community Organizing Brings Affordable Housing to Elgin

folks with shovels breaking ground for the new affordable units Four percent of the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering is used to address homelessness. The lack of affordable housing is one cause of homelessness as well as a root cause of hunger and poverty in the United States. Congregation-Based Community Organizing has a great track-record of successfully pushing towns, cities and counties to finance… Read more »