Setting an anti-racist table

Below are some great articles and organizations from "Setting the Anti-Racist Table," ~ conversations on recognizing racism, white privilege, and counteracting oppression in communities of color, as expressed in the commerce and culture of food.

These conversations are happening on Saturday and next week in Brooklyn.

Articles and Essays
Dismantling Racism in Community Food Work – Rachel Slocum, 2004
The Color of Food – Research on food system employment of people of color. The Applied Research Center, 2011
Levels of Racism – Camara Phyllis Jones, American Journal of Public Health, 2000
Color Blinded – Article series from The American Prospect, March 2011
The Grocery Gap – Who has access to healthy food and why it matters, Policy Link and The Food Trust, 2010

Organizations and Websites
Growing Food and Justice Initiative – WebsiteOnline Community
Race and the Food System – WhyHunger Community Food Learning Center
Save Black Farmers
The Color of Food – Raising the voices of farms and food initiatives led by people of color
Brown.Girl.Farming – blog
Hattie Carthan Community Garden and Farmers Market – Bedford Stuyvesant
East New York Farms!
The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond
Detroit Black Community Food Security Network
White Earth Land Recovery Project and Native Harvest
Nuestras Raices – Holyoke, MA