Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Food and Faith

Chicken better than beef? Not so fast

chicken on rooftop wind vane You care about God’s Creation and you’ve heard how much beef production adds to climate change. So you’re looking for alternatives, like chicken. I often make that choice too, but while the climate impact may be less, there is more to know about the environmental affects of slaughtering 9.3 billion chickens annually in the U.S…. Read more »

PHP Post – Summer 2024

Finding Hope, Inspiration and Healing By Rebecca Barnes, coordinator for PHP I don’t know about you, but this year so far, I’m having to constantly lean on faith that God is with us and that God’s beloved community is being created even in the midst of horrors. All around, violence, war, infuriating political maneuvering, climate… Read more »

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

By Jennifer Evans, Associate for Communications and National Partnerships   On a sunny day in Louisville, a large crowd of local housing advocates, citizens — both housed and unhoused — and local officials came together to demand Housing Not Handcuffs. At this rally, some of the most vulnerable in our community shared gut-wrenching stories of… Read more »

Does your congregation have a Justice Ministry?

Consider becoming a congregation-based community organizing group Congregation-based Community Organizing (CBCO) is a grassroots organizing approach for rebuilding communities, revitalizing congregations, and developing individuals into effective leaders and change agents. There are hundreds of CBCOs across the country, and gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing offering allow PHP to fund these groups during… Read more »

Discerning what Justice has to do with Ministry

DART related local action by HOPE. Photo provided by Rvda. Neddy Astudillo Mazuera By Rvda. Neddy Astudillo Mazuera, advisory committee member for the Presbyterian Hunger Program Liberation Theology is my foundation by inheritance. My parents, a Colombian mother, and a Venezuelan father in the 70s, eager to study Theology and become pastors, moved our family to Argentina at a time of growing political instability, and repression of those… Read more »

Diving deeper into Gaza’s water crisis

Boys in West Bank filling water bottles Water for life and death – scarce water for thirsty Palestinians sustains life, while seawater destroys By Andrew Kang Bartlett, associate for national hunger concerns The Bible has a surprisingly large number of references to water. One concordance had 300 water references. From Noah’s Ark and the destructive flood to Isaiah’s well-watered garden and an… Read more »

God’s Gifts of Food & Water

Palestinian girl dragging water containers Starvation used as a weapon of war in Gaza By Andrew Kang Bartlett ‘How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a sibling in need and yet refuses help? Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.’ — 1 John 3:17-18 In… Read more »

We Keep Us Safe: People Power

Jennifer Evans, Associate for Communications and National Partnerships At a recent rally calling for the ceasefire in Israel-Palestine, one of the rallying calls was, “We keep us safe.” This call reminded me of the power of community and how power either comes from a lot of organized money or a lot of organized people. The… Read more »

Hunger in the U.S. & a Farm Bill Update

girl with hungry sign Thanks to our partner, the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders, for this week’s updates! USDA Releases Report on Household Food Security in the United States in 2022 This report examines American households’ ability to access sufficient food last year. The report shows 17 million households were food insecure at some point during the year, including… Read more »

World Food Day, Kompliman, and a Farm Bill Update

Graphic of winners of Food Sovereignty Prize Today is World Food Day! Congratulations to Black Dirt Farm Collective and kompliman to the Haiti’s Mouvman Peyizan Papay (MPP) for winning the 2023 Food Sovereignty Prize! “When we received word of this honor during our Food Sovereignty Camp, 450 young peasant leaders let out a thunderous cry of joy,” said MPP leader Jusléne Tyresias…. Read more »