Sustainable Futures Delegation

Check out this very cool opportunity from Border Links


Sustainable Futures:
We Are What We Eat

Join Border Links for an educational delegation on the US-Mexico border that explores questions of food sustainability and its connections to migration, social justice, and the environment.

Dates: Trip begins the evening of April 28 and ends the evening of May 1, 2011

Staff: Sustainable Food Program Coordinator Susanna McKibben and a co-leader from their sister organization in Nogales, Mexico

Cost: $450 for 3 full days – includes food, housing, transportation and programming

Tentative Itinerary: We will spend time in Tucson, Nogales, Arizona, and Nogales, Sonora Mexico. Passport required.

For More Information contact Susanna McKibben:
620 S. 6th Ave, Tucson AZ 85701