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Posts Tagged: first presbyterian church
June 6, 2013
First Presbyterian Church: Memorial Trees First Presbyterian Church’s Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study group has sponsored a program of planting trees as memorials, or to honor an individual, on their church property. They plant the trees in late fall or early winter to improve the survival rates. First Presbyterian Church is using Tennessee native species… Read more »
June 6, 2013
First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto, CA On Earth Day, First Presbyterian Church celebrated in worship by making prayer flags for one of the low-water gardens on their church campus. The worship service was focused on their role in caring for creation and they used the following Psalm to guide them as they made the flags:… Read more »
July 21, 2011
First Presbyterian Church in Asheville, North Carolina, has taken many steps towards greening their congregation. They are an Earth Care Congregation, they have created greening projects with their communities, and they were even awarded the Greener Pastor Climate Fellows Award this year. The church, however, has taken even more steps, creating a ‘green’ blog. Penny… Read more »