Posts Categorized: Joining Hands

White Fragility: Second Reflection from PHP Staff

I can't breathe female protestor As part of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Sustainable Living and Earth Care Concerns purposes to accompany Presbyterians reflecting on decisions as an extension of their faith and values. As a staff we remember our own need for faithful discipleship through continuous education, questioning and discovery. Most recently we have done that by reading the book White… Read more »

PHP at Work Around the World

Check out our new 3 minute video introduction to the work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program in the United States and around the world. The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.

Deforestation and Covid-19

Many of you may be asking yourself what this  Covid-19 pandemic is attempting to teach us about the state of Mother Nature and the ways in which we relate to her? While acknowledging that people all over the world are suffering from lost employment, diminished incomes and uncertainty, we  are seeing that in slowing down,… Read more »

Reflection-Action Trip Participants and Partners Make Statement on Climate

  Statement on Climate Justice: A Faithful Response   We, youth representatives of diverse organizations and Christian institutions from Peru and Bolivia and pastors, elders, and young adults in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), met in December 2014 in Lima, Peru for an international gathering on climate change organized by the Red Uniendo Manos Peru with… Read more »

The Hard Work of Justice: Reflections on Peru Trip

  Sometimes it takes getting out of my usual routine and daily surroundings to re-remember why this hard, long justice work consistently calls my name.   The work for climate justice usually feels insurmountable. It is horrifying, intimidating, and heart-breaking. Driving past ash gray and white mountains, from acid rain, that should be brown and… Read more »

Glacier! by Colleen Earp

On Sunday we visited Huaytapallana glacier, up around 15,000 feet above sea level in the Andes mountains of Peru. It wasn’t just the altitude that had me short of breath and dizzy though; this was a truly awesome sight.   The glacier itself has very sadly lost a great deal of its mass, and is… Read more »

Trip Reflections by Colleen Earp

The Presbyterian Hunger Program delegation to Peru has been an amazing journey thus far. On Saturday, we stopped in La Oroya, a town badly affected by local mining and smelting projects carried out by international corporations. A local man named Wilmer met with our group to tell us about some of the social, political, and… Read more »

Presbyterians Learning in Lima!

Presbyterian Hunger Program, Joining Hands and Environmental Ministries action-reflection trip to Lima Our trip has begun! Presbyterians from across the USA have come together to journey with our sisters and brothers in our Joining Hands network in Lima, Peru, to learn from them about their realities related to climate change, extractive industries, and root causes… Read more »

Climate Change Resources

In December 2014, the Presbyterian Hunger Program hosted a reflection-action trip in Lima, Peru with our Joining Hands partner networks in Peru and Bolivia, learning, marching, and observing as the major leaders of the world gathered in Lima for the United Nations’ Conference on the Parties (COP-20).   PC(USA) continues to work for climate justice,… Read more »