Posts Categorized: Colombia

Learn about Trade Reform

New Webpage from the Presbyterian Hunger Program The Presbyterian Hunger Program has created a new webpage with resources related to trade reform.  Trade issues and eco-justice are inextricably intertwined, and this page has great resources for Presbyterians to learn what our reformed tradition has to say about just trade.  Explore this new webpage at,… Read more »

Support Human Rights in Colombia

Yesterday the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness sent the following action alert asking Presbyterians to ask Congress to vote NO on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement: Click here to call your member of Congress and ask him or her to vote NO on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement.   The human rights situation in Colombia has… Read more »

Call President Obama TODAY to say NO to the Colombia Free Trade Agreement

The Presbyterian Office of Public Witness sent the following action alert.  Take action today to say NO to the Colombia Free Trade Agreement to protect God’s people and all of creation.   Click here To call President Obama (202-456-1414) and ask him to say NO to the Colombia Free Trade Agreement.   The human rights situation in… Read more »