Mid-Kentucky Presbytery is a runners-up for Interfaith Power & Light’s ‘Cool Congregations’ awards

By Mid-Kentucky Presbytery and Interfaith Power & Light | Special to Presbyterian News Service
Printed first on Feb 14, 2023 at presbyterianmission.org/story/mid-kentucky-presbytery-is-one-of-18-national-runners-up-for-interfaith-power-lights-cool-congregations-awards/

The presbytery prioritizes energy efficiency, renewables and sustainability


Mid-Kentucky Presbytery is one of the 18 national Interfaith Power & Light 2023 Cool Congregations Challenge awarded a $500 runner-up award. The annual contest accepts applications from religious congregations and organizations around the United States doing work to address global warming by reducing their carbon footprint as they create models of sustainability within their communities.

One of Mid-Kentucky’s earth care congregations, Bardstown Presbyterian Church is a visible witness for God’s creation.

Mid-Kentucky Presbytery, a regional governing body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is composed of 47 congregations in 29 counties in the center of the Commonwealth. The presbytery won the Electric Vehicle Leader award for helping eight congregations in Kentucky install fee-free, EV charging stations, in partnership with Evolve Kentucky. The presbytery hopes to inspire other congregations to follow its example and install EV charging stations.

“Mid-Kentucky Presbytery and the other national awardees are casting a vision for the kind of world in which they want to live, and then carrying out that vision with practical actions that make a real difference in creating lasting solutions to climate change,” said the Rev. Susan Hendershot, president of Interfaith Power & Light.

The “Cool Congregations Challenge” shows that people of faith are united by concerns about climate change and are taking action. The winners provide strong, moral role models for their communities, and their activities have a ripple effect with people in their own homes.

“The installation of free electric vehicle charging stations witnesses to the Church’s commitment to the stewardship of all Creation,” said the Rev. Dr. John Odom, general presbyter for Mid-Kentucky Presbytery. “It is one small step that shows the world that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) seeks to practice the Earth care that we preach.”


The Hunger Program cooperates with Interfaith Power & Light in promoting the Cool Congregations challenge and congratulates Mid-Kentucky Presbytery and all others who have made tremendous strides in caring for God’s creation. Presbyterian Hunger Program is supported by your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.

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