The realities of climate change are being felt intensely in communities across the country, and the 2020 elections are poised to determine our fate. Advocacy is increasing, but opposition remains formidable. How can we make climate a winning issue in 2020, and make certain our leaders implement policies that ensure a healthy, just, and prosperous future?

ACLS LogoJoin folks from a variety of sectors at ecoAmerica’s 9th annual American Climate Leadership Summit (ACLS 2020) — AMBITION • RESTORATION • JUSTICE on each Thursday during the month of August. This series of dynamic and interactive 3-hour webcasts, will feature engaging topics and speakers, with themes addressing our compounded crises and online features to engage with the sessions, speakers and each other.

ACLS 2020 Live Online is the nation’s largest and most diverse virtual gathering of leaders dedicated to broadening and catalyzing action and advocacy for climate solutions. Learn strategies and ideas to help transform climate action into a true national priority. ecoAmerica will offer inspiring keynotes, thought-provoking information, immersive conversations, and collaborative sessions on accelerating efforts to restore our climate, raise ambition, convert our challenges into opportunities, and ensure that our pathways forward are centered on justice and equity.

 Register now, here!

Check out ACLS19 Recommendations Report here and watch plenaries from ACLS19 here.

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has been a partner with Blessed Tomorrow, the faith arm of ecoAmerica, for a number of years and has appreciated their resources, workshops and trainings. We recommend this event to any Presbyterian interested in learning more and being inspired!

The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.

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