White Plains Presbyterian Church is a new Earth Care/GreenFaith Congregation!

We welcome White Plains Presbyterian Church to the PCUSA Earth Care Congregation program as it receives dual membership through enrolling in the GreenFaith Certification Program. This congregation enrolled in this program because it “feels called to be stewards of God’s creation” and recognizes environmental stewardship “as an integral part of a sustainable future.” They plan to integrate the GreenFaith Certification process with their tri-centennial celebration, not only celebrating the past but also visioning for a sustainable future. They will improve heating systems, insulation, and windows as well as look into the possibility of solar panels. This summer the congregation will become a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) pick-up site, providing organic vegetables for congregants and community members in partnership with a local farm. Already, their pastor, Jeff Geary is preaching on the urgency of caring for God’s earth. Click here to read a sermon.

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