Eco-Justice on College Campus

ecumenical ministries at University of Kansas

Young adults, faith and the environment: take a look at what this ecumenical ministry is doing for eco-justice!


For this semester, we are meeting in the ECM at 5pm on Fridays.  The current projects we are concentrating on are working to finish the Eco-Walk project in the Haskell wetlands north of 31st street (due largely to an amazing gift from Elizabeth Schultz!), working with the low-income weatherization programs for Lawrence to increase the use by local residents, and researching the possibilities of duplicating the efforts from elsewhere in the country to impliment a local carbon tax. We are also attempting to increase coordination with Haskell University student groups including the Wetlands Preservation Organization, WPO, which meets Sunday evenings at Haskell University at 6:00pm. Location is in the Haskell Library and we can give rides if requested.”

Read more and celebrate the work of faithful young adults at:

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