“Renewal” Documentary Offers Inspiration

DVD Showcases People of Faith Working for Eco-Justice

Renewal is a documentary with eight stories of how people of faith are working to create environmental justice. The documentary is inspiring, and can be used to involve more people of faith in this important work. The documentary has an accompanying study guide, which can be downloaded online, and used in your congregation. As the film is broken down into 8 short stories, it lends itself well to use in a series of educational classes on caring for creation.  Renewal’s website also includes a screening guide with helpful tips for planning a screening.

Regardless of where your church is on its journey for eco-justice, Renewal can serve as an inspirational tool.  It provides wonderful examples to inspire action in churches that are just getting started in eco-justice work, as well as churches that have long been active and may be looking for new ideas or a new option for eco-justice education.

Some examples of the stories on the documentary include:

  • Christians respond to mountaintop removal coal mining
  • A Buddhist community in Northern California works to save trees
  • Churches in Mississippi work on environmental health and eco-justice
  • Sustainable food and faith effort to provide “Eco-Halal” for urban Muslim communities
  • Interfaith Power and Light’s work on global warming

Watch the trailer for Renewal and consider ordering it for use in your congregation and community. 

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