‘Defend the Gulf’ Raises Awareness of Continuing Gulf Coast Clean-Up

While most might have put the disaster of the 2010 BP Oil Spill behind them, others are looking for ways create a proactive eco-justice response. After the Spill is “a project of faith communities in the Gulf and across North America committed to long-term Gulf restoration following the BP oil spill disaster.”  The program is working to raise awareness in faith communities across the nation about the oil spill and how it is still affecting the Gulf Coast today.

After the Spill is helping spread the word about an offer from the Gulf Restoration Network to screen “Defend the Gulf” in communities around the country.  Learn about the movie and consider hosting a screening at in your congregation to raise awareness about ongoing issues from the oil spill. “’Defend the Gulf’ screenings,” says After the Spill, “are a fun and easy way to help protect and restore the Gulf, and remind the public that the impacts of the oil and chemical dispersant continue to be felt by Gulf communities and ecosystems.” After the Spill and the Gulf Restoration Network hope that the screenings will happen between August 8 and September 5, while Congress is out on summer recess. Screening this movie will show Congress that there needs to be action in the Gulf Coast.

With the free movie comes a Host Packet which includes more information, a petition to Congress, and some amazing prizes. Sign up online to receive this information as well as read more about this program. The involvement of the faith community shows how important our opinions are and how we can impact our country and our world.

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