The Eco-Stewards Program for 2011 took place June 2-9 in Montana, with the theme of “Living with and from the Land on the Crow Reservation: Sustainability and Reconciliation through Agriculture, Health and Green Building.” I had the joy of taking part in the weeklong event, which involved 12 young adult participants and several leaders from around the country.
Our ecumenical group had an inspiring experience learning about Crow culture, sustainable agriculture at Greenwood Farm, Montana’s ecology, and issues related to caring for God’s creation. We spent time together exploring the connections between our faith and environmental stewardship, and after reflection, each participant shared their “Eco-Faith Journey” with the group.
More than anything, this week reminded me of the need for Sabbath time and intentional community. It was wonderful to be with a community of people interested in connecting faith, justice, and environment, while giving ourselves space to reflect and relax in creation.
More stories from the trip will be coming soon, including a visit to the St. Andrew Presbyterian Church community garden in Billings, and reflections from other parts of the trip.
To see pictures from our week together, visit the Environmental Ministries Facebook page. More photos, taken by the group, are available on the Eco-Stewards Program blog, which will also soon have a multimedia presentation with interviews and photos from our week in Montana.
The Eco-Stewards Program is a partnership between Presbyterians for Earth Care and the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association. Visit the Eco-Stewards Program blog.