Sustainable Pathways Event: Creation Care and Best Practices for Camp and Retreat Ministries

Sustainable Pathways: Creation Care and Best Practices for Camp and Retreat Ministries will take place September 19-23, 2011 at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.   

The conference will provide participants with ideas for incorporating sustainability into their camp and conference centers in many areas, including maintenance, facility planning, energy efficiency programs, and food service.  

Download the event flyer and register for the event at Ferncliff's website.

The event is endorsed by the Presbyterian (PCCCA), United Methodist (NCRC),and Evangelical Lutheran (LOM) camp and retreat ministry networks.  

Camp and Conference Centers are a natural partner for environmental sustainability education and practices, and it has been exciting to see the increased focus on these issues over the past couple of years.  Read about the Green Pre-Event at the PCCCA Conference in 2009 and the Green Leaf Seal for Camp and Conference Centers that was launched at the PCCCA Conference in 2010.  The Eco-Stewards Program for young adults (which will take place soon in Montana – more on that soon) is a partnership between PCCCA and Presbyterians for Earth Care – another way that camp and conference centers are partnering to address sustainability issues.



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