How is climate change affecting the earth and its creatures?
How is climage change affecting the human family?
How are women affected by climate change?
What is the work of the United Nations High Commission on Refugees – UNHCR?
How has UNCHR responded to the floods that affected over 20 million Pakistanis and forced some 7 million from their homes?
A group of youth and adults from the Fab Five Presbytery Partnership Group explored these and related questions during the first day of a seminar at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations.
The seminar took place at the Church of the Covenant – the space at the Church Center for the United Nations was being used by participants in the Commission on the Status of Women.
The Rev. Lynne West of Church World Service and Mr. John Solecki of the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights spoke to the group. A tour of the United Nations was part of the afternoon activities. The Rev. John Harris helped with the arrangements for the seminar.
The seminar resumes tomorrow. Participants will look further at the impact of climate change and will make action plans.
The picture of the group is by John Harris.
Two weeks ago a group of Presbyterian youth learned about climate change, migration, and gender issues at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations. My colleague, Mark Koenig, posted a series of blogs on the event. Here is the first, which will be followed by what the youth learned and what actions they plan to make at home.