Report from the Gulf Coast

Earlier this week a group of Presbyterian leaders from presbyteries, the Synod of the Sun, and the General Assembly Mission Council traveled to the Gulf of Mexico to learn about the ongoing oil spill disaster.  They met with Presbyterian congregations, local leaders, and with ecumenical partners to listen to their experiences with and to pray about the oil spill disaster.

Rev. Judy Fletcher, Executive of the Synod of the Sun, participated in the trip, and has shared a reflection on what she heard and learned.  Read her report.

The first message that Rev. Fletcher shares from the people she met with in the Gulf is "Pray for us – and don’t forget us."  Let us take this message seriously: pray for the Gulf Coast, its inhabitants and creation.  May we remember them in all our actions related to energy use.  May we remember them as we advocate for steps to be made so an oil spill disaster of this kind does not occur again.  Let's not let the enormity of the oil spill and its consequences be forgotten, as happens with so many disasters.

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