Children’s Mission Yearbook Focuses on Water

Cmyb-cover2010 The 2010 Children's Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study helps children learn about many topics including discipleship and following Jesus Christ, children around the world, and environmental awareness.  The theme for this year is “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.”  The book, which serves as a personal devotional guide for third to sixth graders,  is divided into a section for each week of the year.  Though we are already in the third month of 2010, this is a valuable resource for church school, children's worship, and other settings.

The yearbook, which you can order online, also contains a board game called "Clean Water for Everyone" that teaches children about water resources around the world.  Download the boardgame.  Go to for more educational activities for elementary-aged children surrounding the basic rights of children as defined by the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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