Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Presbyterians Today Blog

One Church, Many Voices

Wisdom Journey

Living a sacred life Trusting in the abundance of God By N. Graham Standish The more willing we are to sacrifice in life, the more sacred we make life. The more selfish we become in life, the more scarcity we bring to life. And the less sacred life becomes. Sacredness grows out of sacrifice. Scarcity… Read more »

I Do?

One Marriage License or Two Fishing Licenses? How legal marriage has skewed the Christian view of marriage By Jeffrey A. Schooley In early June 2007, I drove to the Summit County (OH) court house with my friend Than to get my marriage license. My wife-to-be, Brianne, was planning to meet us there. She ran late…. Read more »

justleros: more than nonsense / más que disparates

Sólo uno volvió Un recurso para la liturgia dominical basado en Lucas 17:11-19 por Magdalena I. García Entonces uno de ellos, al ver que había sido sanado, volvió alabando a Dios a voz en cuello, y rostro en tierra se arrojó a los pies de Jesús y le dio las gracias. Este hombre era samaritano. –… Read more »

Unglued Church

A Garden You Never Get to See Planting seeds for the future By Susan Rothenberg  I don’t know much about hip-hop. Until this summer, I didn’t know much about Alexander Hamilton beyond the ten-dollar bill in my wallet. After reading rave reviews of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s hit Broadway musical, Hamilton, I decided to watch some YouTube… Read more »

justleros: more than nonsense / más que disparates

If we had faith A resource for Sunday’s liturgy based on Luke 17:5-10 by Magdalena I. García   The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” The Lord replied, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and… Read more »

Speak out

Child’s question leads to thoughtful Facebook discussion By Robyn Davis Sekula   As we made our 30-minute commute, my 10-year-old daughter Anna asked me a stunner of a question. “Do people believe in God more or less as they get older?” Anna is prone to deep questions. She is my quietest child, usually tucked away… Read more »

Not quite right

Don’t act like my cat You can’t love a world you’re afraid of By Joshua Bower A lot of Christians share a certain behavior with my family’s cat. But if the church is going to love our world with the love of Jesus, this has to change. I’ve never wanted a cat. However, my 6-year-old… Read more »

TLC: Think like a Christian

Small words make a big difference! A much needed conversation about evangelism By Jeffrey Schooley Each month’s columns are a labor of love and there is no greater “I love you too” than when readers send their thoughts, opinions, and even disagreements. I try my best to respond to each e-mail sent to me at… Read more »

justleros: more than nonsense / más que disparates

Un gran abismo Un recurso para la liturgia dominical basado en Lucas 16:19—31 por Magdalena I. García   Pero, además, hay un gran abismo entre nosotros y ustedes, de manera que los que quieran pasar de aquí a donde están ustedes, no pueden hacerlo; ni tampoco pueden pasar de allá hacia acá.”    Lucas 16:26 Iba… Read more »

Unglued church

Our churches: Originals or old copies? Figuring out who we are as times change By Ayana Teter Recently, I was invited to share my thoughts on the “big-picture” view of my church.  I had the honor of sharing in a panel with a group of Presbyterian pastors from the Middle East.  As Christians they were… Read more »