Advent Devotional: Third Week of Advent: Thursday, December 20


“Passion” by Andrew Weatherly

Who’s lighting the Advent wreath?

We, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. — Romans 12:5

… and lifted up the lowly. — Luke 1:52

Growing up, it always seemed that the same families were invited to light the church Advent wreath. And they were just that — families — father, mother, son and daughter. When I became a pastor, I vowed to invite those often overlooked in the congregation to come forward and light the candles. And so there have been same-sex couples, single men and women, elderly people with no family, special-needs children, and immigrants still struggling with their English — all lighting the flames of hope, joy, peace and love, and sharing a prayer with all.

God didn’t seek perfection when God chose Mary. God chose Mary because she was open to God’s mysterious ways. God smiled upon her and lifted her up.

Who is lighting your Advent wreath? — DFJ

How can we make a conscious effort to reach out to those who are overlooked?

God, open our eyes to the forgotten in our society and help us invite them into our circle. Amen.