Advent Devotional: First Week of Advent: Tuesday, December 4


“Wondrous Star of Night” by Andrew Weatherly

Exultant spirits

Rejoice in the Lord always! — Philippians 4:4

… and my spirit rejoices … — Luke 1:47

Recall moments when you rejoiced wholeheartedly — times of worship, family gatherings or even communing with nature.

As father of a special-needs son, I think of the Special Olympics. These events celebrate the worth of every human being — their value in God’s eyes, not the pyramidal structures of this world. From coaches to timekeepers to volunteers cheering at finish lines, a message rings out: Rejoice, for you are a child of God.

I will never forget an inspiring moment as a packed stadium watched a wheelchair event. One boy, affected by cerebral palsy, struggled to keep himself on track, lurching from side to side, crying out with a plaintive voice. Soon, the entire crowd was on its feet, urging him forward. When he crossed the finish line alone, we roared our approval, a crescendo that underlined the Special Olympics motto: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” — KVT

What causes your spirit, like Mary’s, to rejoice?

No matter our circumstances, O God, help us remain grateful for your neverending love. Amen.