justleros = more than just nonsense or disparates

A space for a contemporary woman disciple to give voice to justice concerns in a world where some still think that women’s words are just leros (Greek for “nonsense”) or, in Spanish, disparates


Magdalena GarciaMove us to compassion
A reflection and confession based on Mark 6:30–34

by Magdalena I. García

The apostles gathered around Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves. Now many saw them going and recognized them, and they hurried there on foot from all the towns and arrived ahead of them. As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. —Mark 6:30–34

apathy says
others can do it,
let’s get away;
compassion says
we can do it,
let’s get involved

apathy says
there is a shortage,
let us save;
compassion says
there is enough,
let us share

apathy says
there are dangers,
let us be cautious;
compassion says
there are risks,
let us be vulnerable

apathy says
live and let die,
alone they can survive;
compassion says
live and let live,
together we can thrive

Forgive us, Caring God,
for numbing our senses and failing to see
how the hunger of the world
intersects with our own need.
Forgive us, Tender God,
for hardening our hearts and failing to perceive
how the wounds of the world
intersect with our own woes.

Twist our insides,
strengthen our will,
and move us to compassion,
Embracing God.

Magdalena I. García is a PC(USA) teaching elder and a hospice chaplain for Vitas Healthcare in Chicago. She is a graduate of McCormick Theological Seminary and a recipient of the 2008 PC(USA) Women of Faith Award. For permission to use content, write to magdalenagarcia@comcast.net.

A bird keeping watch over her flock at dusk

A bird keeping watch over her flock at dusk

Muévenos a compasión
Una reflexión y confesión basada en Marcos 6:30–34

por Magdalena I. García

Los apóstoles se reunieron con Jesús y le contaron todo lo que habían hecho y enseñado. Jesús les dijo: “Vengan conmigo ustedes solos, a un lugar apartado, y descansen un poco”. Y es que tanta gente iba y venía, que ellos no tenían tiempo ni para comer. Así que se fueron solos en una barca a un lugar apartado. Pero muchos que los vieron partir los reconocieron y los siguieron a pie desde las ciudades. Llegaron antes que ellos, y se reunieron con él. Cuando Jesús salió de la barca y vio a tanta gente, tuvo compasión de ellos, porque parecían ovejas sin pastor, y comenzó entonces a enseñarles muchas cosas. –Marcos 6:30–34

la apatía dice
otros lo harán,
la compasión dice
nosotros lo haremos,

la apatía dice
hay escasez,
la compasión dice
hay suficiente,

la apatía dice
hay peligros,
seamos cautelosos;
la compasión dice
hay riesgos,
seamos vulnerables

la apatía dice
vive y deja morir,
solos pueden sobrevivir;
la compasión dice
vive y deja vivir,
juntos podemos prosperar

Perdónanos, Dios Afectuoso,
por entumecer nuestros sentidos y no poder ver
como el hambre del mundo
se entrecruza con nuestra propia necesidad.
Perdónanos, Dios Tierno,
por endurecer nuestros corazones y no poder percibir
como las heridas del mundo
se entrecruzan con nuestra propia aflicción.

Retuerce nuestras entrañas,
fortalece nuestra voluntad
y muévenos a compasión,
Dios Acogedor.