Advent Devotional: Second Week of Advent: Friday, December 14


“I Am Peace” by Andrew Weatherly

Passion play

… the mystery … hidden throughout the ages and generations … has now been revealed to his saints. — Colossians 1:26

… from generation to generation. — Luke 1:50

Mary had a prophetic premonition that her role in God’s passion play would reverberate for generations. As we celebrate seasons like Advent, we also have a chance to relish our role in the long procession of those who have followed Jesus into adventures of faith. We can rejoice that what Paul called a mystery is now revealed to all of us.

What is this mystery? The God of all creation loves each one of us intimately, and our worth in God’s kingdom is eternal. It is a truth that asks a question: How do we share this good news with others through our words and actions? As our Brief Statement of Faith says, are we doing our part “to unmask idolatries in church and culture, to hear the voices of peoples long silenced, and to work with others for justice, freedom, and peace”? — KVT

What role is God asking you to play in loving those deemed unlovable?

O God, kindle in us a new desire to enlarge our part in your passion play. Amen.