Advent Devotional: Second Week of Advent: Tuesday, December 11


“I Am Peace” by Andrew Weatherly

God’s mighty presence

I will meditate on all your work, and muse on your mighty deeds. — Psalm 77:12

… for the Mighty One has done great things for me … — Luke 1:49

Mary recognizes that her new status as the mother of God is not based on her own righteousness. It is the result of God’s power.

There is a belief that we share in the recovery movement, contained in the “promises” of the AA Big Book: “We will … realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.”

This does not mean we shirk our responsibility. It does not mean we are passive. It means learning that when we partner with the living presence of God, when we walk in the Spirit, miracles happen that far exceed our expectations. Do you doubt this? Re-read the book we call “The Acts of the Apostles.” It could easily be titled “The Acts of the Holy Spirit” — evidence of God working powerful deeds through fallible human beings. — KVT

Are you trying to control too many things, relying solely on your own willpower?

Loving God, teach us that if we surrender to your power, you will make a glorious way for us. Amen.