Lenten Devotional: Second Week in Lent: Tuesday, February 27


The Prophet Isaiah and Jesus: Heart service

Isaiah 29:13 • The Lord said: Because these people draw near with their mouths and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their worship of me is a human commandment learned by rote …

Jesus and Isaiah criticize religion that is lifeless and sterile. God desires people whose faith causes them to feel passionately and to care wholeheartedly. 

The word “heart” is such an important word, with a variety of meanings. For the ancient Israelites, it signified both the intellectual and emotional self. Today it refers to the physical organ pumping blood and can describe one emotionally. We say, “Have a heart,” meaning “have compassion.”

Jesus challenges us to have a heart for God, a heart close to God. We are to care for that which God cares for most. God cares for people. God cares for you, me and everyone everywhere. Have a heart.

Lord, give us a heart that seeks after your own. Amen.
