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Posts Tagged: middle east council of churches
September 12, 2012
Several Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) partners from Lebanon and Syria are in New York to participate in the board meeting of the Lebanese American University. While the Rev. Fadi Dagher, the Rev. Joseph Kassab, Mr. Charles Muller, and the Rev. Dr. Nuhad Tomeh are here, our ministry has made arrangements for them to share the concerns… Read more »
September 9, 2012
In New York on September 17? You are invited to a brown bag lunch: Presbyterian Partners at Work in Syria and Lebanon:Followers of Jesus respond to the current crisis The Rev. Dr. Nuhad TomehThe Rev. Fadi Dagher Monday, September 17, 2012Brown Bag Lunch (coffee and tea provided)12:00 PM – 1:30 PMThe Episcopal Church Center815 Second… Read more »