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Posts Categorized: Globalization
June 20, 2013
by Onaje Crawford To commemorate World Refugee Day, the Israel-Palestine NGO Working Group at the United Nations (IPWG) hosted “Remembering Palestinian Refugees”, a photo exhibit, film review, and panel discussion highlighting the plight of 7.4 million displaced Palestinians, the largest and longest standing case of forcibly displaced persons. Doug Hostetter, IPWG’s Co-chair, who remarked that… Read more »
May 1, 2013
An estimated 1.2 million children all over the world are annually exploited through prostitution, pornography, and trafficking. Some travelers use tours and hotels as venues to exploit children. Without clear policies and training, staff are not equipped to identify and react to such behavior. You can take a stand against the sexual exploitation of children… Read more »
April 8, 2013
Last week, I hosted a workshop at the Compassion, Peace and Justice Training Day in Washington, DC. The workshop focused on global discipleship and food and hunger advocacy within the international community. Participants looked at three critical global issues around food and hunger policy: soil, water and land grabbing. Participants talked about ways in which… Read more »
December 2, 2012
UN Resources: Slavery Abolition Day Blue Heart Campaign against Human Trafficking Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking PC(USA) Resources: PC(USA) Human Trafficking Roundtable A Toolkit for Action Prayer: Prayer (Jer. 31:15-17 adapted) A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be… Read more »
October 1, 2012
Last week, New York City welcomed world leaders to the 67th United Nations General Assembly. The Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations was active in raising the voice of Presbyterians from here in the United States as well as those of our partners in the World Communion of Reformed Churches. Worshiped with world leaders at… Read more »
July 25, 2012
The United Nations Visitors Center has been receiving call about the United Nations Conference on the Arms TradeTreaty. They worked with the Office for Disarmament Affairs to provide some myths and facts about the treaty negotiations. Their post with myths and facts is below. We have been receiving quite a number of angry phone calls… Read more »
June 25, 2012
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child met last week with nongovernmental organizations that offered recommendations to the United States to improve its efforts to stop the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. ECPAT-USA, a partner of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s human trafficking roundtable submitted an alternate report to the… Read more »
June 18, 2012
Below is a press release from the U.S. Mission to the United Nations on the new U.S. strategy towards sub-Saharan Africa. The release links to the new policy. USUN PRESS RELEASE #146 June 15, 2012FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Statement by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on the New U.S…. Read more »
May 9, 2012
This evening, I am joining a celebration with Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations Thomas Mayr-Harting to celebrate Europe Day. Europe Day celebrates European peace and unity on the anniversary of the founding of the European Union (EU). The Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations joins other nongovernmental organizations… Read more »