Global discipleship on food and hunger

Ryan leading workshopLast week, I hosted a workshop at the Compassion, Peace and Justice Training Day in Washington, DC.  The workshop focused on global discipleship and food and hunger advocacy within the international community.

Participants looked at three critical global issues around food and hunger policy: soil, water and land grabbing. 

Participants talked about ways in which their congregation could change US based policy and have an influence on global policy.  The theme of acting locally while thinking globally recurred in small groups.

Small groups talked about what is happening in their communities and how others can get involved.  Supporting local produce and farmers was consistent throughout.

The Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations works on global food policy within the Food and Hunger Working Group at the United Nations.  This working group works to influence UN member states and the UN General Assembly resolutions that happen every year.

You can support the work of the Presbyterian Ministry at the UN here.

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