16 Days of Activism – Day 7: World HIV AIDS Awareness Day

On World AIDS Day, UNAIDS calls us to get on the fast track to end AIDS.

Girls who live with a disability and who have been made vulnerable face more violence in schools than do girls who are not living with a disability. The same is true for children affected by HIV/AIDS. Misperceptions and false information about HIV/AIDS increases the stigma on those who have it and changes the nature of everyday interactions at school. Children affected by HIV and AIDS, orphans and children from families affected by HIV and AIDS are at higher risk of bullying, sexual violence and exploitation in school.

Girl’s education leads to a number of positive indicators that lead  out of poverty. One such indicator is the reduced risk of contracting and spreading HIV/AIDS.

Learn more about Presbyterians at work to stop sexual violence and domestic violence.

Learn about the PC(USA)’s Educate a Child initiative that has an international and a domestic component.

Find a resource packet for World AIDS Day from the Presbyterian AIDS Network.

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