Friday, December 5: Women and the Media

Invitation to Orange your neighbourhoodThe United Nations has designated November 25 as the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaignlasts from November 25 to December 10, Human Rights Day, chosen to emphasize that violence against women is a violation of human rights. The theme for this year’s campaign set is “From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Let’s Challenge Militarism and End Gender-Based Violence!” The UNiTE Campaign and UN Women offer suggestions to mark each day of the 16 Days of Activism.

Friday, December 5: Women and the Media

  • Involve local and national broadcasters, and community radio stations, to host “talk shows” or panel discussions on the issue of ending violence against women and girls. Suggest that civil society partners, civic leaders, business leaders, religious leaders and youth activists participate. Invite broadcasters to ‘orange’ their studios! Involve your media contacts, celebrities and brand ambassadors to use the color orange creatively in their broadcasting, websites, etc. and share their message on ending violence against women and girls using the hashtags #orangeurhood and #16days.
  • Reach out to journalists and commentators to write blogs and op-eds on the role the media can play in efforts to eliminate violence against women and girls, how the quality of reporting on violence against women and girls can be improved, and how the media can present a more balanced and non-stereotyped portrayal of women and girls.
  • Organize the screening of a relevant film followed by a discussion about the portrayal of violence against women and girls in film.
  • Join the conversation on social media about #cyberviolence – violence happening in online spaces, and watch out for content shared through the hashtags #orangeurhood and #16days on the topic.

Prayer for the day:

God of Love, we pray today for ways to create awareness of violence against women in a world that is changing every day.  A changing world creates new opportunities through the use of media.  Give us guidance as we use the media in the effort to eliminate violence against women and girls, and we pray that broadcasters and journalists will hear your call to join us in this work.  Amen.

prayer by Richard Aylor, intern from Princeton Theological Seminary

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