Red Hands continue to make a difference

Red HandsSince April, 3 member states and 1 non-member state have ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict.

Ethiopia ratified on May 14, Guinea-Bissau ratified on September 24, and the Dominican Republic ratified on October 14.  The State of Palestine, a non-member state, ratified on April 7.   It has been a great 2014 as we move forward in raising awareness internationally to protect children from being exploited as soldiers.

This raises the number of United Nations member states that have ratified the Optional Protocol since Presbyterians became involved in the Red Hands Campaign to 25. There are still 36 United Nations member states left to ratify.

Every effort counts. Keep your Red Hands coming.

Children are children, not soldiers.

The photo, by Ricky Velez-Negron, shows Red Hands made at Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church

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