A number of our partners in the Holy Land send Easter greetings.
From Bishop Dr. Munib Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land:
I beg you to pray for Arab and Middle East Christians in this region that they may be filled with the power of hope in the Resurrection. I ask you to not forget us nor cease accompanying us in our journey, for our mission is yours and yours is ours. Our mission continues to be one of a prophetic Church, implanting the power of Resurrection Peace in the hearts of all peoples. This is the reason that even in the midst of our doubts and suspicions we hear His gentle voice saying, “Peace be with you.” And all of us with one voice will astonishingly reply, “My Lord and my God!” With this hope of the Resurrection, I send to you the Easter greetings of Jerusalem. Al-Masih Qam – Hakkan Qam! Christ has risen! He is risen indeed!
From the Patriarchs and Heads of Local Christian Churches in Jerusalem
We call upon all Christian people, people of other faiths and in fact all people of goodwill to pray earnestly for a good outcome from the current Peace Process in the Holy Land, conformity with International law and indeed for peace throughout our troubled world. Despite the acute difficulties of the current situation, we would urge all parties to seize this moment of historic opportunity. A peace which does not seek to abolish discrimination between different communities is no peace at all. For peace to be real, it must embracejustice and a desire for reconciliation. Reconciliation between God and humanity, andbetween people who are opposed to one another, springs from the Cross and is vindicated by the Resurrection.
Learn about Presbyterians at work with our partners in Palestine and Israel.