Advent Devotion – Wednesday, December 25

Reflection and Prayer by Lydia Huber (12th Grade)

Micah 4:1-4

1. Micah prophesies that one day the Lord’s house will attract people from every nation. How does God change these people when they come to him? 

2. Why does coming to God remove our need to use violence against others? 

Reflection: As they move toward God, people let go of their will to fight against each other. That change alone declares that you no longer want the hate that exists within the world. By taking up the cross and following Jesus, you are agreeing to sit under a tree and let the words and mercy of God flow from your mouth to attract others to the Lord’s beautiful goodness. This passage is an early invitation to all those who wish to join the kingdom of God. It allows us to fight our battles without bloodshed and with our Lord behind us for support.

Prayer: Dear Lord, please guide all those who are lost among the darkness and hatred. Help them to find the goodness of your life, and help me to share it with others. Amen. 

The 2013 Advent Devotions were written by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) youth and their leaders at the 2013 Youth Triennium. Each day provides a lectionary-based Scripture passage, questions for reflection, and the students’ responses. 

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