Advent Devotion – Saturday, December 14

Reflection and Prayer by Brittany Dilliott (11th grade)

Matthew 24:3-14

1. How do we keep our love from “growing cold?”

2. Where do we find our hope?

Reflection: We keep our love from growing cold by constantly loving and forgiving others. If we hold on to grudges, anger fills the places in our hearts where love should go. We find hope by reading scriptures of God’s promises.

Prayer: Lord, keep me from holding onto my anger, and help me to forgive others. My hope is to not judge or envy. With your help I will achieve this. Amen. 

The 2013 Advent Devotions were written by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) youth and their leaders at the 2013 Youth Triennium. Each day provides a lectionary-based Scripture passage, questions for reflection, and the students’ responses.

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