Advent Devotion – Friday, December 13

Reflection and Prayer by Erin Jo (12th grade)

Psalm 148

We can easily become too focused on ourselves, forgetting that the world doesn’t revolve around us. How does Psalm 148 guide us in straightening out our priorities?

Reflection: This psalm reminds us to praise the Lord for everything, and it tells everybody and everything to praise God. It says that everything created should praise God during everything, at all times. You should not focus on yourself but rather everything that the Lord has created and be joyous that God has created everything.

Prayer: Dear Lord, let us not be blind to the creation you have made. Let us remember to praise you for all of your creation. We may get off the path, but open our eyes and lead us to praising you once again. 

The 2013 Advent Devotions were written by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) youth and their leaders at the 2013 Youth Triennium. Each day provides a lectionary-based Scripture passage, questions for reflection, and the students’ responses.

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