Advent Devotion – Wednesday, December 11

Reflection and Prayer by Tavi Hillesland (11th grade)

Matthew 23:1-12

1. In what ways are we like the Pharisees in this passage?

2. How does Jesus want to turn our priorities upside down?

Reflection: We are so proud of our religion sometimes. It is great to proclaim the gospel, but so often it becomes, at least for me, about making yourself seem more interesting. This is such a tough realization. We choose to take the honor of the faith and leave the hard work and humility that Jesus urges at the door.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be an honest and humble disciple for only your glory. Soli deo Gloria. Teach me to teach like you, proud but caring, loving and humble. I love you. Amen. 

The 2013 Advent Devotions were written by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) youth and their leaders at the 2013 Youth Triennium. Each day provides a lectionary-based Scripture passage, questions for reflection, and the students’ responses.  

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