One of the worst recorded typhoons in history, Haiyan has left many dead, hundreds of thousands displaced, and extensive damage. The initial response includes provision of non-food items, drinking water and emergency shelter kits. All PC(USA) mission workers are reported safe. Read more.
PDA will respond with One Great Hour of Sharing and designated funds as assessments are completed, needs are identified, and an appeal for assistance is issued.
Give online to support disaster response in the Philippines.
Visit the Philippines response index for reports and resources
Call to Prayer for the Philippines, by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders
Bulletin insert: May they cling to the compassion of Christ (color version)
Bulletin insert: May they cling to the compassion of Christ (grayscale version)
When Waters Roar and Foam – hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
God We’ve Known Such Grief and Anger – hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette