Visiting partners in South Sudan

I’ve had the  privilege of visiting Presbyterian partners in South Sudan over the past week.  Presbyterians have been engaged with South Sudan for a long time and the strength of our partnerships was certainly evident this week. 

Photo of Ryan in South SudanFrom meeting with ACROSS and learning about the work they do with Ethiopian refugees in South Sudan and their role as a primary health service provider for UNHCR in South Sudan to the Presbyterian schools across the country, it is clear that Presbyterians are hard at work in South Sudan.

I had the opportunity to meet with leaders of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan as well as the South Sudan Evangelical Presbyterian Church.  We visited theological colleges, a vocational training center, primary and secondary schools (ranked as some of the best schools in the country), teacher training colleges, a mid-wifery school, peace and reconciliation projects and so much more.  Both Presbyterian churches in South Sudan and our other partner organizations are working hard to provide a brighter future for South Sudan.

Nancy McGaughey, PC(USA) Mission Co-worker in South Sudan said of one of the programs, “In the context of South Sudan where violence is a part of daily life, where seeking revenge is the norm, it is refreshing to see a place like RECONCILE Peace Institute where people from different tribes and states can come together, learn about peace, justice, mercy and truth and practice forgiveness. It gives hope for this new nation.”

It has also been great to see the hard work of the United Nations in South Sudan.  From the World Food Program, water and sanitation work, UNICEF school bags, UNMISS, blue helmets constructing roads and so much more. It is clear that the UN is committed to helping South Sudan have a bright future.

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