The Annual Interfaith Peace Gathering
Commemorating The Hiroshima / Nagasaki Atomic Bombings
Monday, August 5, 2013
The Interchurch Center
475 Riverside Dr. (Entrance on Claremont Ave.)
@ W. 119th St. and W. 120th St.
New York City
3:00pm Family Program
Supported by New York Peace Film Festival
Japanese Style Storytelling (Kamishibai) with Mrs. Tomiko West, Hibakusha (Hiroshima survivor)
Origami Making Workshop
4:30pm Visit the Photo Exhibitions (On View from July 29 – August 5)
5:30pm Interfaith Peace Ceremony
With Special Guests:
- Tomiko Morimoto West, Hibakusha (Hiroshima survivor)
- Shinji Harada, Recording Artist and Hiroshima Peace Culture Ambassador
- Pete Seeger, American Folk Singer
- StacyLyn Bennett, Soprano
- Rikako Asanuma, Piano
7:15pm Ringing of the Bells
(8:15 am, August 6 in Japan, the precise time the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima)