UNICEF Tap Project

Tap ProjectThis year, the UNICEF Tap Project will live on Facebook. You can donate using the UNICEF Tap Project Facebook App and keep the water flowing with the help of your Facebook friends. With your support, we will turn the world’s largest social network into a water network. We will raise awareness about the world water crisis and provide an essential resource to children around the world like we’ve never done before. More information on how you can be a part of the world’s biggest water network for children is coming soon. So stay tuned…

But you can take action now by registering as a UNICEF Tap Project volunteer on our UNICEF Action Center—where you can access resources, join discussion boards, connect with others and more. You can also apply to host a fundraiser or event  benefiting UNICEF’s water, sanitation and hygiene programs worldwide.

To get started on the 2013 campaign, register as a UNICEF Tap Project volunteer. 


Presbyterian have long partnered with UNICEF to help the world’s children.  Let us know what your congregation is doing to help!

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