2012 Advent Devotion- Sunday, December 16

by Linda Pak, Intern Architech (Seattle, Washington)

Hebrews 12:18-20

In this passage from Hebrews, there is a certain amount of unpredictability around what will remain after the big shake-up. Portrayed is an image of an arrival point toward promise, covenant, and the ”heavenly Jerusalem.” We are challenged in opening ourselves to God’s voice, which calls us to the path toward the peaceable kingdom.

Similar challenges and uncertainties come with a new job, living situation, or personal relationship. We struggle when the path we have worked for so long and with such certainty turns into a path that takes us in an entirely different direction, creating within us an incredible sense of insecurity and self-doubt. How are we even capable of proceeding?

The gift of the steadfast is that remains and is offered to us. Take each step along your path with joyfulness, reverence, and awe.

Lord, thank you for the gifts of your steadfast truths of love, peace, and hope. Let us proceed with joyful hearts as we walk on the pathway toward your peace. Amen.

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