Seeking justice in Sri Lanka

In New York on August 20? Come and hear Herman Kumara speak about working for justice in Sri Lanka.

Seeking Justice in Sri Lanka
Herman Kumara
Director of the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement

Brown Bag Lunch
Monday, August 20
12:00 – 1:30
Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations Conference Room
777 United Nations Plaza 7th Floor

Herman Kumara is the Director of NAFSO (National Fisheries Solidarity Movement), a fisher people’s movement in Sri Lanka. NAFSO organizes fisher people to lobby the government to defend their rights and to bring good environmental practices in coastal areas. Herman is also the chair of Praja Abilasha in Sri Lanka, a network of churches, civil society organizations and communities that came together after the tsunami that devastated the country in 2005 and killed 35,000 people and displaced more than one million. The organizations of Praja Abilasha focus on land issues, particularly related to displacement.

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