A Prayer Following the Massacre in Aurora, Colorado

written by Teresa Lockhart Stricklen, associate for worship

Use this prayer as a personal or corporate prayer in the days to come:


O Lord, our God, victim of violence on a cross,
look with compassion upon all involved in the shooting this week in Colorado.
Comfort those terrorized by this horrendous event.
Wrap your Everlasting Arms around those who mourn.
Heal those whose wounds ooze in open fear.
Strengthen those administering your medicines of blessing—
medical personnel, law enforcement officials, and associated staff.  
Calm all whose memories of violence are triggered by this shooting.
Clothe the gunman with your redemption,
and deal tenderly with his confused family and friends.
Hear our cries of lament  as we seek to understand the incomprehensible,
and deliver us from the evil of violence in any form.
Through Christ we pray.

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