Extra-Judicial Killings and Human Rights Violations in the Philippines

Court Orders Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to Answer United Church of Christ in the Philippines(UCCP) on Extra-Judicial Killings and Human Rights Violations

From our church partners, the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP).

28 February 2012

Motion to Dismiss Denied:  
Court Orders Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to Answer United Church of Christ in the Philippines(UCCP) on Extra-Judicial Killings and Human Rights Violations

On June 16, 2011, the United Church of Christ in the Philippines through its General Secretary Reuel Norman O. Marigza along with 5 families representing victims of extra-judicial killing and surviving victim of abduction, torture and illegal detention Pastor Berlin Guerrero filed a legal suit against former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for her responsibility in human rights violations.   Arroyo’s motion to dismiss the case has been DENIED.

“We thank God for the court order of Honorable Judge Tita Marilyn Payoyo-Villordon that compels Gloria Arroyo to answer our complaint that she played a role in human rights violations.  We want the opportunity to present our case in court.  Victims of human rights violations and their families have endured immeasurable pain, hardship and loss.  Our faith compels us to stand with them in this fight for justice and accountability,” said Bishop Reuel Norman O. Marigza.

In addition to victims represented by the co-plaintiffs, the complaint cites another 22 incidents of UCCP members who were extra-judicially killed, ambushed and wounded, abducted, tortured and illegally detained, or abducted and believed killed while Arroyo was President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.  Having been tagged as a so-called “enemy of the state” as evidenced through Oplan Bantay Laya documents, the United Church of Christ in the Philippines has endured persecution and brutalization.  Still, these are only a fraction of the 1,206 extra-judicial killings which have been documented throughout the country under former President Arroyo.

“The culture of impunity in the Philippines must end.  Extra-judicial killings of respected pastors and church leaders, most of whom were speaking against injustice in our country, show how horrible and unacceptable the human rights situation in our nation has been.  The UCCP filed this case in pursuit of justice for the families of human rights violations.  We intend to do our part to end impunity by holding Gloria Arroyo accountable,” concluded Bishop Marigza.

Bishop Marigza will be traveling in the United States and Canada as part of the Philippine UPR Watch—a network of Church and human rights organizations that will monitor the Philippines’ turn in the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council.  He will be speaking with lawmakers and Church people in the US and Canada about the UCCP Legal Suit vs. Gloria Arroyo and appealing for continued international advocacy against human rights violations in the Philippines. ###


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